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 American Petition Tree

Welcome to the


If you are interested in learning about Initiative Petitions or about how to use the power of petitioning in all its forms to effect change in organizations of all sizes, this is the place to start. 

This is the Official Web Site of the American Petition Tree, an organization founded in 2003 to enable the power of ideas to be heard and supported on their own merit. This is done through the organizing of independent political activists into statewide organizations to share administrative and communications costs.

Ready, Aim, SIGN! 

Throughout the land people are committed to the success of our democratic Republic and the egalitarian ideals it embodies. Assuring its success is the product of vigilance at every level of society to encourage those ideals and rebuke those who would deny or eliminate them.  

The self-evident ideals of the American Declaration of Independence and the united States of America are opposed by some who still covet the honor of anachronistic royalty.  Nice for them... catastrophic for everyone else.

Opposition to the freedoms and rights of Americans is an old story, but it is still playing in the dining rooms and great halls of the titled wherever they are. The opponents of our freedoms have sought political alternatives to freedom at every chance. Communism was supported as a model of an appealing philosphy that would displace "democracy" with a state managed to provide security for "workers". 

What is sought by those opposed to American freedom is a state that is above the people. In the name of a "social mandate" to do what is needed for the "survival" of society.  They seek a royal state, one that is unchallenged by law, that does as it pleases by the signature of its "devine" leadership.

We must oppose this abomination at all costs.

No leader is above the Law. No lawmaker is above the people. No law is above the jury.

Freedom is ours and we are keeping it.

Join the American Petition Tree and defend American ideals with  communication and committment to the ideas that have raised us all above the dark ages of fear and superstition:

    The Declaration of Independence

    The Constitution of the United States of America

    The Bill of Rights

Throughout the land people are committed to the success of our democratic Republic and the egalitarian ideals it embodies. Assuring its success is the product of vigilance at every level of society to encourage those ideals and rebuke those who would denie or eliminate them.  

The self-evident ideals of the American Declaration of Independence and the united States of America are opposed by some who still covet the honor of anachronistic royalty.  Nice for them... catastrophic for everyone else.

Opposition to the freedoms and rights of Americans is an old story, but it is still playing in the dining rooms and great halls of the titled wherever they are. The opponents of our freedoms have sought political alternatives to freedom at every chance. Communism was supported as a model of an appealing philosphy that would displace "democracy" with a state managed to provide security for "workers". 

What is sought by those opposed to American freedom is a state that is above the people. In the name of a "social mandate" to do what is needed for the "survival" of society.  They seek a royal state, one that is unchallenged by law, that does as it pleases by the signature of its "devine" leadership.

We must oppose this abomination at all costs.

No leader is above the Law. No lawmaker is above the people. No law is above the jury.

Freedom is ours and we are keeping it.

Join the American Petition Tree and defend American ideals with  communication and committment to the ideas that have raised us all above the dark ages of fear and superstition:

    The Declaration of Independence

    The Constitution of the United States of America

    The Bill of Rights


Copyright © American Petition Tree & Dane Arr 2001 2006